Consultancy Programme

Kingfields has created a Consultancy Programme that will allow you to work for yourself, where you decide:

– The hours you want to work
– The location you want to work from
– Set your own free structure and targets

Thereby freeing you from endless internal meetings, office politics and managing your own regulatory obligations. We recognise that being a lawyer can be stressful and can take away from your family life. Our business model allows you greater freedom, flexibility and control to manage your work/life balance precisely as you choose.

Imagine getting away from the rush hour commute!

Our technology, infrastructure and forward-thinking mindset allow our lawyers to take back control.

Every consultant works in a way they want so that they can focus 100% on the needs of their clients while also getting their own work/life balance exactly right.

Please download our brochure to see how it could work for you.

Kingfields Consultancy Programme Brochure



If you require trusted advice from one of our specialists please connect, our colleague is glad to talk.

How can we help you? Please call us on +44 (0) 0345 459 0007 to arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss how we can assist you. Alternatively, Email us on* or click here to complete our Free Online Enquiry Form. We will have a chat about your needs, you can ask us any questions you have and we will be happy to have a No Cost or Obligation initial chat with you which we are sure you will find useful. 


* Email address is monitored 24/7 and we will respond to you the same day or the next working day.